
What a wonderful night for a moondance...

As part of our latest assignment we were asked to visit somewhere we'd never been before either a casino, a football match or the bingo. I visited the casino but also decided to go the Jazz night at the union, something i've always wanted to do, therefore killing two birds with one stone! The event was held on a Wednesday night in 'mono' in the union. Usually when i'm in mono it's for 'skint' and its a nightclub full of drunk, very drunk normally, students dancing away to a random mix of music. To walk into mono sober and to listen to music I haven't shown a lot of interest in previously was all very new to me!
The night attracted a lot of different people.        There were the slightly older group of people, sipping on cocktails and wine, very sophisticated. There were the more what i would call, artsy people, swaying about in time to the music. Finally there were people like my friends and I, people you probably wouldn't expect to see at a Jazz Night. I did feel a little out of place for a while, I have to admit.
I felt the atmosphere was overall relaxed and everyone fitted in. My idea of people who would be into jazz was pretentious people who thought they were all so cool, but there wasn't anyone like that really. Although saying this, it maybe wasn't a true
example of the whole jazz scene as it was a temporary space.
Although it was totally new to me I like new situations, getting out of my comfort zone a little. Last year i travelled to Madrid and lived with a host family alone and lived their lifestyle with them, something that was extremely new and quite brave for me. Its nice to seek out new experiences.
Here's a video of one of the songs the Universities Big Band played in the union 'Moondance', I also have a new found love for Sinatra and Etta James.

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