
Ryan Tatar

My favourite season will always be summer and I came across this photographer who captures it in ever picture he takes! He has a few different series of work, my favourites are sea tribes and the cape fear kooks.
Heres what Tatar has to say about the cape fear kooks,
"The Cape Fear Kooks is an ongoing photo essay, and subset of the sea-tribes body of work, that focuses on a small pocket sized capsule of eccentric surfers in North Carolina.  The photographs in this subset continue the tradition and attributes of the sea-tribes essay, however are specifically focused in the area around the photographer’s home and personal lifestyle from the fall of 2008 until early 2010.   Also, like sea-tribes, the photographs were taken with fully manual 1960s and 1970s era equipment and shot on a variety of black and white, cross processed, and expired films.  The colours are unique to the film processing technique (various slide films processed in C-41 chemicals) and polaroid."

 Every single photograph makes me wish it was summer and want to go on a road trip, here's some of my favourites, you can see all of his work here!

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