
Service Design Tools

For assignment 3 we were asked to look at the website Service Design Tools,which shows you different communication methods that you can use in the design process. Looking through some of them i thought i would never use this and found a couple hard to understand but looking more into it I realised I actually use a few of the methods already, just didn't realise what exactly they were. There were tools such as mind maps that obviously all of us have previously used in the first semester. There was also an 'offering map' which I realised I have been using  (okay a much simpler version but still..)  for our current office project in order to help me get my head around the layout of the building.

One of the methods which was a very obvious communication tool was a mood board, however I have never sat down and made one so decided I would try it for this project and it really helped me sort all the different design ideas I have going on in my head right now!

There were some other methods i thought would be quite useful, especially since I'm quite a disorganised person, it would make sense for me to use some, mainly methods such as a task analysis grid, which looks time consuming but probably helps a lot when there's just too much information to take in at one time, I problem I have had with our current project. The context panorama looks like an interesting tool, and simple and easy to understand as well. I'll try to use as many methods as I can in future projects!

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