
Valencia Design Week

With all this talk of erasmus exchanges going on i've been thinking a lot about it, I know if I do go i'd want to go to Spain because, well I love spain and I really want to work on my Spanish. Dundee university has ties with the Universidad Polytecnica de Valencia, so ive been doing some research on Valencia, to see what life there would be like. Upon researching the university, the city, I found out that the Valencia Design week has just finished, running from the 27th of september to the 2nd of october. I found some really interesting stuff that was on show there and thought i'd share some. A post with lovely pictures this time instead of a rant :) haha.

Sofa Evening - Christina Serrano
This is such a cute, clever idea! Its basically a blanket with socks built in, to keep people warm in the winter instead of having to use so much heating. The wool used to make the blankets is all locally sourced from Spain making it even more eco friendly. I couldnt find an image of the blanket but heres an interview with the designer, its all in spanish but you can see the blankets in the background. I want one!

The Three Little Pigs - Sanserif Design Studio

This exhibit was a fun one too. For the opening dancers performed on top of the furniture the Studio designed which was all made of cardboard, showing the durability of the products. I know that cardboard furniture has been done plenty of times but some of their furniture is just so lovely. The whole exhibition is also eco friendly, with everything being used in the next events, meaning no waste and the leaflets being printed on recycled paper with vegetable inks. It shows just how much things these days are changing in terms of being environmentally friendly.

More info on Valencia Design Week here

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