

I thought since i've been posting a lot about world changing design and although important... it gets a little boring. Soooo, this summer i spent 5 weeks working in Madrid as an au pair, well, not in the city but a suburb just outside. I already love Spain but wow, I love it ten million times more now. I don't know what it is about the city but i just wanted to share some images i've come across, some I took myself, and of course the video above, which in itself is so amazing. Either you're also going to love Madrid after this, or think i'm a crazy person who needs to get a life instead of being in love with a country!

"Because Madrid is nothing special, it doesnt have a big river, or even skyscrapers, it doesn't have ruins, no beach, no sea. But it has the people, the unexpected corners, the constant bustle, the variety. Its worth getting up early for once, in order to live life in Madrid." (loosely translated!)

 El oso y el madroño - The symbol of Madrid, seen all over the city and is a part of the flag, i think its meaning is something to do with the land of Madrid being owned by someone else but everything above ground was owned by Madrid... I was told the meaning in Madrid but it was in half Spanish and half English, so yeah, a little complicated.

 El Palacio Real

 Gran Via

How can you not love the Madrid sunset?!

 Random doorway taken by me, i loved all the buildings, even the unimportant ones, very different to the design in Scotland where design sometimes seems to be forgotten when the building isnt of great importance, quite sad really.

The river in El Retiro taken by me. 

I could upload hundreds more pictures to show you Madrid, but, I won't. HOWEVER... if you ever do go to Madrid, as I plan to again, you should really look at this! 101 Cosas para hacer en Madrid antes de morir.

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