
The Real Good Experiment

I was browsing random websites looking for something interesting to blog about and came across The Real Good Experiment.  Its an experiment set up by the furniture design company Blu Dot and their 'Real Good Chair'. They basically left a random bunch of their chairs dotted about New York City and set up gps systems on the chairs and had camera crews and hidden cameras waiting in watch of who would pick the chairs up and when. This resulted in the chairs travelling all over New York to lots of different types of peoples and homes. The experiment was something fun, different and I guess kind of a 'feel good' project. Not only did a lot of New Yorkers gain a new chair, but the company too gained a lot of media coverage, and on their first anniversary of their store being open they premiered this video montage of the whole thing!

The company was created when three college friends who had the same passion for art and design wanted to create affordable furniture that allowed them to bring good design to as many people as possible. There's a light heartedness to the company I like and they have a good sense of humour and don't seem to take themselves too seriously which I find much more interesting than your run of the mill typical over priced artsy furniture companies you see all the time. They even toboggan with their furniture! How fun would it be to work for Blu Dot?! Watch them here!

1 comment:

  1. I love this. The fact that some people used the chair like they would a park bench, others assumed that it was being trashed, possibly because it was beside some trash, and others lifted it without a second thought!

    I don't know if I could just take something off the street like that. The closest I came was a really nice canvas print that I spotted sitting at the end of a garden. I pointed it out to my grandad who suggested that we ask the owner of the house about it. I don't know if it's a generational thing, but I probably wouldn't have done that, it's just something about knocking on a stranger's door that scares me. Anyway, the print is still hanging proudly above my fireplace, when it could have gone to waste...
