
Grow a beard for Belgium.

I was browsing through the BBC news website and came across this, 'Grow a beard for Belgium' appeal by actor Poelvoorde. Now I'll be the first to admit I don't know a lot about the Belgian Government, and maybe therefore I shouldn't comment on the situation but I really don't get the whole not shaving for a cause thing. It happened back in November (or Movember as it was cleverly called!) to raise awareness for prostate cancer, and I'll admit it was pretty widely spoken about, but surely there are better things to do than to just stop shaving for a while! Raising awareness is important, obviously but should more effort not be put into solving the overall problem? Maybe things like Movember bring some humour into otherwise pretty serious subjects, which is never a bad thing, and I can see how it may link with the charity, supporting men and their battle against prostate cancer. But the Belgian government and beards?! I don't see the link! Maybe the problem will be solved  faster with more serious methods and ways to reach out to the citizens of Belgium.  

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