
Assignment 3.

For Assignment 3: Looking up, Looking Down we were asked to find useful resources linking with our topic in assignment 2. As I studied mavens, salesmen and connectors I realised that these three people are all needed in many aspects in life, as well as in the design world. Collaborative design is a perfect example of this and here are some resources I found useful in order to understand collaborative design more in depth.

Arias, E; Eden, H; Fischer, G; Gorman, A; Scharff, E . (2000). Transcending the individual human mind—creating shared understanding through collaborative design. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI) - Special issue on human-computer interaction in the new millennium, Part 1. 7 (1)
Although about computer programming the article explains the benefits of collaborative design very well. It explains how how we need lots of people with different knowledge together to solve problems and get new insights, new ideas and new artifacts.

Devereux, J. (2004). Do-good Design. Available: http://www.metropolismag.com/story/20040201/do-good-design. Last visited 20/11/2010.
An interview with Bryan Bell who runs a successful non profit based architecture firm who specialise in designing houses for migrant farmworkers. An interesting insight to the way the people who run these companies think and why they do what they do.

Lawson, C. (2010). The New School collaborates: Organization and communication in immersive international field programs with artisan communities. Visible Language. 44 (2), p 239 - p 265.
Talks about designing for the 90 percent of the population some design services aren't available for. This is also spoken about in less detail in Good Deeds, Good Design by Bryan Bell. The article also discusses the need for students to now work collaboratively in order to lower this percentage.

Rios, M. (2004). Timely Tactics: The Strategic Role of Participation in Community Design. In: Bell, B Good Deeds, Good Design: Community Service Through Architecture . New York: Princeton Architectural Press. 
Interesting case study of a collaborative project designing a waterfront park. Discusses who is involved, how they got involved, and why they are needed to help the project work out. Also discusses why it is important to build a good base of local people, powerful people and people with an interest in order to have a sense of support and produce a project identity.

Toker, Z. (2007). Recent trends in community design: the eminence of participation. Design Studies. 28 (3), Pages 309-323. 
An overview of community design, explaining the different definitions from different people in different places, the origins of community design and current practicioners. It also contains a list of publications written by infuential people in the community design field.

Wates, N (2008). The Community Planning Event Manual: How to Use Collaborative Planning and Urban Design Events to Improve Your Environment (Tools for Community Planning Series). Earthscan Publications Ltd.
A how-to manual on collaborative design, how to run a successful collaboration project and who can be involved. The system is attainable by not only professional architects but also people of the community so a collaborative project could be started by many different types of people 

While researching I came across a few collaborative design firms that have done some interesting projects and are worth a look!

 Design corps here

Dott 07 here & Dott Cornwall here

Pratt Center here.

In order to keep up to date with Interior Design related news i regularly check these websites:

this website tends to have more 'out there' interior design rather than typical designs you see every day. It also has lots of other design aswell as art and interviews.
Freshome has a great mix of interviews with interior designers, furniture/products, existing interiors and even articles helping people design their homes.
MocoLoco has some really interesting posts with interiors, architecture and design in general. I also love the layout of this website! Its different to the usual generic blog.
Inhabitat has a lot of different articles, not necessarily to do with interior design, but as a lot of our projects have a sustainable side to them, as most projects will these days, the website is a great help when looking for some more eco friendly methods and materials.
An online magazine, with a little bit of everything and very modern, high quality designs.

And other non related websites to keep up to date with news, science... and fashion!

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