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Back to School

Third year started only 4 days ago but it already feels like we've been back months! In the studio we've been given our brief for GIDE and we've also started our chosen modules, in my case Advertising and Branding.
The GIDE project is an international competition with 7 different universities, Leeds, Magdeburg, Milan, Mechelen, Lugano, Ljubljana and of course Dundee. Were currently all working out how we want to work around our brief 'Creativity for Local Enterprises', and everyone's coming up with so many different ideas. I myself am still trying to figure it all out and will blog a bit more when I've figured it all out!
Advertising and branding started yesterday as well, we had our first lecture and then a workshop today. The lecture was interesting and I was glad to know some of the basics already as I did business studies in school, I wasn't as lost as I thought I might be! We worked on marketing strategies, SWOT analysis, the four p's, ansoff matrix, perpetual maps and SMART objectives.

The different strategies were all quite useful when it came to our workshop and we used a few when it came to our 'real life' client, Jo Montgomery of Little Riot, the company behind 'Pillowtalk'. I'd seen pillow talk before online and at the degree show and it was interesting to hear little bits of background information, like the reasoning behind the name of her company. It was difficult to find alternative uses and different areas to market the product when I already love it and the fact its not really a materialistic product, more an idea and very emotional based. You can see a lot more about pillowtalk on the Little Riot website here and also vote for her in the SmartA competition here!